Sunday, September 14, 2008

Attitudes a good helper needs to have

I was sharing with Tim n Xing some attitudes a good helper must carry... So thought of putting here, you can use if you want... :)

As the church grows, we all need to rise up, to bcome helpers of the cell group to contain the growth. So we need to work closely with our leaders, know the vision of the church, the cell group. We all need to become a helper to our leaders.

So we need to carry 4 attitudes. (note that this list is not exhaustive, but personally I feel that they are the most impt)

1. We need to honour our leaders.
1 Tim 5:17
Our leaders, esp CGLs are worthy of double honour. We got to give them what is due to them. Protect their reputation, shield them from arrows and dun sabo them. We all got to have the fear of God in our lives and also reverent the man of God.

2. We need to understand our leaders.
The bible says how can 2 walk together unless they agree? So how can we work together with our leader unless we agree, unless we flow with them? We need to know the heart of our leader. The things which he is passionate about, urgent about, uptight about, the things which he likes, dislikes...

So how can we know the heart of our leader?
We got to be the ones pressing into their lives, taking the initiative, spending time with the leader, fellowshipping.
We got to pray always for our leader cos we communicate spirit to spirit. We got to observe and learn. The Holy Spirit will help us. (1 Jn 2:27)
We got to remain teachable, quick to change.

3. We need to support our leaders.
Encourage him, pray for and with him also also be with him, running the race together. The things which are delegated to us, do them well, with an excellent spirit...

4. We need to love our leaders.
Love covers all. 1 Thes 3:14
With love you will go all the way for ur leader, know wat to do and say at the right time.

The bible is a book of love... God's love for us...

Heb 13:17 Highlight this verse!!! Make it a point for our leaders to disciple us in joy, a breeze, something enjoyable for them...

No time to elaborate... But the main points are here le. Hope that you'll meditate and have some revelations on how to be a good helper to ur leader. Be one who is ever-ready to go...