Monday, November 10, 2008

Angel from heaven.....

Hahahhaa... I was working in church after svc on sat... was feeling a little hungry when svc ended... Cos ate only cup noodle or rather bowl noodle for lunch... Kekeke.... Then went up to 4th floor n saw that they were giving out some food... I went to get... Heh... It was meant for the pre-svc PM ppl but announcements were not made, so there were lots of food left over...

Then while eating that... Simon brought some fruits over! And later seow ping brought a chicken mayo sandwich over... So healthy! Hahaha... but truly I was very blessed by their gestures. I was feeling quite stressed and sian that I failed my driving again... Then they were really like angels sent to lift up my spirit... I was much happier after eating n felt refreshed...

I began working... Although it was noisy, but i thank God for concentration. I finished 1 schedule there that day with lots of tabs... HAhaha... And sent it out before I left the place to airport to fetch dear dear... Gave him a little surprise by being there... Thank GOd that I didnt miss him... Hahaha... Yeah... Starting to miss dear le, even though we spent the whole Sun together... Hmmmmm... And we bought puzzles!!!!!!!!!!! Cost us 200++!!! But we bought 5 puzzles! Think it's a good investment... All disney one... So happy.... There's something we can look forward to when we're free...

Back to those days where we can just laze at home n complete puzzles... We have 3 completed so far that we did together... plus these 5 will be 8 le... Plus some of others which i have n he has will be so many le... Looking forward to our new house... Then we can decorate the wall with our prized possessions... Wahahaha... So fun!