Thursday, August 14, 2008

My spirit leaps...

Been going for the morning prayer meetings... it's a struggle to wake up so early cos i'm not a morn person... But my heart is willing... And my mom has been waking me up... cos i set my alarm before she leaves home... So she thot i going office early... so she'll wake me up... heh...

Happy to be in the presence of God every morning... Overcoming my flesh and crying out to God to come and meet me, fill me, be with me thru each day... Luv our psts and church too, every morn will prepare nice nice bf for us... It's a bonus to me... I see our psts also love us lots, will think of our needs and how to meet them.

Most happy is that I can meet my dear every morning... Hee... Love being with him... I think we meet almost everyday... But I miss him even more each day as we part to go work... Hahaha... This is getting mushy... Ok ok... Ya, everyone, it's time to get back to work, or rather start the day of work... Jiayou!!!

Oh ya, CGM changed to Sun morn le... Cant sleep in... :( But well... I can meet God and my CG ppl... N especially my dear... Yeah...