"How I hated discipline! If only I had not demanded my own way! Oh, why didn't I listen to my teachers? Why didn't I pay attention to those who gave me instruction? I have come to the brink of utter ruin, and now I must face public disgrace." Proverbs 5:11-14 (NLT)
Utilizing the beauty and intrigue of nature, combined with illustrative truths presented from life, Jesus' usage of the parable surpassed much of His other teaching. While exercising this form of instruction, Jesus clearly explained the principle above when teaching the parable of the man who planted a vineyard in Luke 20. The entire parable focuses on the authority God established in the Body of Christ.
Notice, Jesus did not say God came personally to gather the harvest. Instead, God sent His servants three times, and the fourth time, He sent His Son. This is the authority God sent, and He continues today to send authority into our lives. He waits to see if we will subject ourselves to them, or respond as the tenants who disregarded their responsibilities.
In God's eyes, if we reject His delegated authority, we reject Him. This rebellion prevents God from blessing our lives. Authority is established to lead and guide us down the joyous path of God's will for our lives. If we are obediently subject to authority, then, and only then, can God use us for His glory; submission, therefore, is bowing our knee to God through a man. We do not submit to man, but to God. Unless we set aside our flesh, we are not able to receive instruction and submit to those called to lead us into the promises God has for us.
Daily Confession
Father, I thank You that I am obedient and submissive to those placed above me. I have a beneficial future because I give them reason to lead and guide me joyfully.