Wednesday, June 18, 2008

50% through....

Completed 3 days of the 5 day course... So much info in 1 week... Although it's a recap, but it has been 3 years since I graduated... And the laws, rules and regulations have all changed in the past 3 years! And the lecturer goes through one sem of notes in 1 day... With 2 breaks in the middle and a lunch break. School is 9 to 5... That means in 5 hours to finish one module that is covered in school in 1 sem ==> 12 weeks of lect n tut!!! Faints...

And there will be a test at the end of friday... Thank God it's MCQs, true/false n short answers kind of questions.... Been so tired... waking up early is somthing which I certainly dislike to do... And the notes to read... Yawns... On Mon I took the file, 1 ring file. I was like ok, got to finish reading all these by Fri?! Hmmmmm, we'll see how it goes... Then as each day goes by... I realised those were just the pre-course notes? The lecture notes were given out on that day of lect itself... N it's abt the same thickness... Faints... Yep... So tml after the course, I'm going to come home guai guai to study for the test... Paid 535 for this course. I dun wanna repeat man... How come everything so ex!?!?!

And my group of ppl... God... Give me creativity... New ideas how to bring them from glory to glory... How to make them have the desire to grow, to want to be spiritual??? I look at them, I really need God's love n grace n strength n longsuffering n gentleness n patience... ... I need to pray more, I need to spend more time in His presence, I need to manage my time well to complete my revision...

Parents coming back on Fri nite... I need to settle my own laundry b4 that so that they can wash their clothes when they come back... Wah!!! I need to sleep now... Hahhaa... Update soon....