Saturday, May 3, 2008

A pillar

I finished Pst Ulf's 'Our Holy Calling' finally... There's one part which really touched me... He mentioned something about being a pillar in the church... Pillars have a different calling. They exist and are there without people around realising. But they are vital to support the church. Without them, the church wont exist. It's true physically, it's also true spiritually... And also on a smaller scale at the cell group level...

A cg needs to have pillars who will support the functioning of a cg. The pillars are there day n nite, rain or shine, without any words of complain... Just hoping for more pillarts to be built so that the burden is lighter... And when there are more pillars, the weight which can be supported also increases... And one day, when the number of pillars increase n increase til the pillars no longer feel the burden, then it's time to multiply. Conquer new grounds...

Just came back from CG. Really touched by the presence of God... Felt the hunger renewed... Been feeling so drained recently cos of work... So thank God for a great meeting just now... Hee... Going to read my bible le... Needa catch up tons man... Rach is going to kill me le... Hahaha...

Send your mighty wind
Renew this life within

Spirit of God fall down
Fall with your fire and power from high
Ignite in me again
Our hearts live in Your name
Spirit of God fall down
Pour as your rain revive us now
Restore our lives and quench these thirsty souls... ...

Great day ahead... Exciting times... Living from faith to faith... Faith robbers, get out of my life... I'm going to protect my spiritual walk... Feed my lambs, tend my sheep, feed my sheep... Not the goats!!! Hahaha... So the lambs n the sheeps will be full n taken care of... God touch me, use me, empower me, enlarge me, guide me, lead me, use me, move thru me... I give my life in exchange for all of you... I love you Lord...