Mother's Day was last week... There were many thoughts I had about that special day, but havent ahd time to blog... Now... I shall record them down... I was serving on the sat svc for that weekend cos sp had a friend... Realised that the whole place was so packed that ppl were sitting on the steps...
1) Mothers gel the family together...
When they come for svc, the whole family comes together. That's why there was an overwhelming crowd that day. Compared to other big days, where we invite our friends to come, usually the friend will come alone. But on mother's day, when mothers are invited, the whole family comes, or should I say the whole clan comes...
Similarly, in Ken's family... We usually meet for dinner with Kel n Er on Sun nite. However, everytime his mom goes overseas, we will all settle dinner on our own... So this is another example of mothers geling the family together.
2) Mothers' mood determine the mood of the family
Xing was sharing with me that in his family, when his mom is in good mood, everything in the house will run smoothly. And everyone will be in good mood too, the converse is also true. This set me thinking. In my family, when my mom is worried abt certain things, she will begin to talk abt it to everyone else in the family and set us worrying as well. When she's happy, the same thing happens. So basically, mothers have the strongest influence in the 'culture' of a family. Cos they set the envt n mood of the family.
3) Mothers understand what you need and want without being told
There exists a special bond between mother and child. There is no need for explicit communication; mothers know and understand what her child is going through and her maternal instincts will just come to play and she will provide the right solution to the problem. It might be the right kind of medication to treat certain symptoms. A phone call at the right moment. A hug at the right time of the day. Anything. Mothers know best...
Last Mother's Day sat, I had a vision sharing with my connect group cos I come to realised that we're going no where... So we're going to touch one life at a time and in our CG, it's a place where lives will nvr be the same again. I shared with them the urgency in reaching out, impacting our mktplace... So that day after svc, I reached home n felt so challenged. I took out the pink invitation card n wrote an appreciation note to my mom... And also gave the pink heart shaped cookie which Rach gave me aft svc to my mom...
I think she was touched... But I really feel that mothers are the bestest ppl ard. She is someone so great, someone whom God has placed in every family to provide and care for the family. To ensure that everything runs smoothly in a family. To teach the children to grow up with the right attitudes... We always say "ni ma ma mei you jiao ni..." So mothers have been stereotyped to be the 'teachers' of their children over the history of mankind... So I wanna salute all mothers... You're the best!!! :)